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Mega Millions winner to be a married man in mid 30’s




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Lucky ticket holder tipped to avoid publicity and take a lump sum.

THE SOUTH Carolina Mega Millions winner is a married male in his mid 30’s who’ll avoid publicity and take the jackpot in a luMarch Madness bettingmp sum.

Based on historic wins, general lottery trends and decisions made by past record winners the site’s analysts have crunched numbers to come up with a likely profile of the winning ticket holder and the first major identifier is that the winner is narrowly favored to a man.

In terms of the age, the 30 to 39 bracket is favored at +150, with a younger winner (18-29) the next most likely scenario at +200, much like the typical participant in March Madness betting.

As for marital status, the trend for previous jackpot winners to be married means there’s over a 90% chance the lucky ticket holder is hitched (odds of -1000), compared to it being a +500 shot they are a singleton.

Finally, the winner has two big decisions to make regarding publicity and how they’ll receive funds and the odds are firmly in favor of the remaining anonymous (-300) and taking the windfall in one hit (-500).

Our numbers suggest that a lucky winner is a family man over 30 who’ll avoid the spotlight and take the cash in one go and who has perhaps tried the Draftkings Sportsbook in the past. While we wait for further information, people are willing to speculate on the winner themselves, which tells its own story in terms of the incredible level of interest in this Mega Millions jackpot.

Mega Millions jackpot odds and Winning ticket holder:

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